Why hello there blog enthusiasts!
I have made it through finals of yet another quarter! Oh man, let me tell you, this was a doozie...I am more physically drained than I normally am, so if I don't make much sense, its pretty much because I am sleep deprived and on the brink of collapsing into my desk.
ANYWHO...I had a very intense class known as Visual Storytelling I, sort of an intense class in the sequential department where you really get to draw a lot of pages...like...A LOT of pages.
So out of the pages, there are a few I liked and thought were fun enough to share with you all! Here it goes!
This is a page out of the 1989 trade "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight".
Mike Mignola did the art, and this particular page was sort of awful,
so we had to redraw it, as well as practice inking.
There are some errors, but over all it was a fun piece.
This is from our "Memoir" comic.
Mine was about a dream I had where I was hunting trolls,
and i was saved by a giant talking iguana known as "Tortula",
this is page one of the two page story.
Here is the second page of the memoir comic.
It was a fun two pages,
I tried to challenge myself on my use of black placement,
overall I pushed myself and it was great!
Here is the first page of four,
this was my final project, its me in my house.
Page two...the suspense is building!
At last the twist!
And the last page.
Ends on a cliffhanger, the best way to resolve anything.
Anyway I hope you likes the pages I got to churn out for Vis 1. I worked my butt off, so while I am here relaxing during spring break, I will be working to regain a butt, so I can work that off next quarter.
Well I hope you all enjoyed what I did, it was definitely a labor of love...talk to you later my bloggey-people!