So it's about that time in the quarter where schoolwork is getting somewhat straining, and motivation hits a wall.
A BIG wall.
But anyway, the best way to get my motivation back, I have to just do something for fun, for myself. But in light of the wonderful Avengers movie, I wanted to do an image as a tribute to the person I thought exceeded all my expectations.
That was Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner and as the Hulk. He was incredible. ( Pun intended ) But in light of it I just did a quick work because in some way I felt like he deserved one.
Just playing around, I used Ruffalo as reference,
but its clearly not spot on.
Good enough for a 4 hour drawing.
Anyway, this was fun, and if you REALLY like it you will get in contact with me as make an inquiry about purchasing a print. That would certainly be nice. Anyway, take it easy bloggers!