Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oh My Stars and Stripes!

Hey everyone.

Still playing a bit of catch up on older art, here is a Captain America piece I did over the 4th of July weekend.  I actually started this one and showed some of the process on Periscope. It really is a pretty awesome social media platform.

9'' x 12'' on bristol

I really love drawing Cap. Like a lot. 

Thanks everyone! Feel free to reach out to me if you would like a drawing like this as well! I love doing commissions.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I'm back with a new look!

So there is this social network called 'Periscope.'

it's really cool. Anyway, its a live streaming app and I use it to do live drawings and things like that.
One night I quizzed those watching, and if they got the answer right, then they could request the drawing for the night.

The request was the cast of Frozen. Which I have never drawn, but it was seriously so much fun.
(Click for Higher Resolution)

I had a ton of fun drawing this, and the best part is, I got into contact with the individual who made the request, and I packed it up and shipped her the original! 

If you'd like a print however, I can make that happen as well!
