Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hello there my faithful blog viewers.

So I want to start off by saying that nostalgia is a great thing, especially for 80's and 90's T.V. shows that were pretty much by any of today's standards, terrible. But to be able to think back on how great they were when you were a kid, that kind of nostalgia.

I start this post with that because our final assignment in my Character Design for Storyboarding and Animation class was to revamp an old television show. Preferably one that wasn't terribly great to begin with. Well of course I had like 40 million ideas!

After I sifted through all of the options, I finally settled on the show SILVERHAWKS. Now in case you don't actually know what this is, you're in luck, cause I'm gonna tell you.

You're Welcome....

Anyway, Silverhawks was made by the same guys who did Thundercats, essentially the show was supposed to be like Thundercats in space. This team known as the Silverhawks were cybernetic beings, as the quote in the intro video claims "partly metal, partly real." Essentially these guys flew around space battling a big boss called "Mon-Star" (I know, these guys had real imaginations back then) and he pretty much looked like a mean thundercat. Anyways, he was an intergalactic mob boss who was trying to rule the galaxy. The Silverhawks would pretty much foil his plans everytime, and like the cartoons of the late 80's there were a plethora of bad guys that worked under Mon-Star, and at least one perfect foil for each of the Silverhawks.

There, I just saved you from watching like 70 something episodes. This show used to be one of my favorites, and I remember watching it with my brother a lot when I was younger (aww more nostalgia!) but I thought it would be a super fun project to revamp their designs and get to do Silverhawks the way I would do it.

So here's the Art!

The newly redesigned logo and text. 

The Good Guys:

This is Tally-Hawk, it's a robotic hawk
 that the main character Quicksilver uses. 

This is Quicksilver, the leader of the Silverhawks

This is Steelwill, the muscle of the Silverhawks

This is Steelheart, she's a gearhead 
along with her bother Steelwill

This is Colonel Bluegrass, he's a regular ol' cowboy.
 He is the lead pilot for the Silverhawks

This is Copper Kid, he is the only non-human Silverhawk,
He fights with frisbee-like disks,
 and he is the co-pilot alongside Blugrass.

The Bad Guys:

Here is Mon-Star, the galactic crime lord himself.

This is Yes-Man, he is Mon-Star's 
number one assistant/lackey. 


The interior of the Silverhawks command center

The exterior, showing the Mirage flying away from the command center


We only had to do expressions for one character, so I chose Quicksilver

Whew, so how did you like all of that artwork?! That's not even all of it! I have storyboards for the intro, but seeing as how this post is crazy long as it is, I will do another post just for the storyboards. Like always, feel free to post feedback, I'd love to hear what y'all think about my project.


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